exports in config and ant test-all working again
moved the exports table context into the spring config file, so we don't need an exports table.
got ant test-all working again (against postgres)
moved the exports table context into the spring config file, so we don't need an exports table.
Added Company dao for suppliers and makers
appfuse standard sql maps such as defined in UserSQL.xml have semicolons ; on the end of every bit of SQL, this is unecessary/optional for postgres and illegal for derby. So its better to remove semicolons from the SQL in the iBatis sql maps.
To startup the derby network server you can put
<suppliers_for_parts supplier_id="3" part_id="4" currency_cd="EUR" supplier_ref="ENG-B12-AC-2.04" last_price="54000.00" last_price_dttm="2006-06-18 00:00:00.0"/>
for some reason appfuse defines the iBatis queries in a CDATA section.
ij> create table t1(c1 int generated always as identity, c2 int);
ij> create table t1(c1 int generated always as identity, c2 int);
displaytag http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/11/ gives you sortable pagable tables
As i'm usng appgen still, I can't uninstall hibernate yet (as appgen requires it), but I think i can disable the hibernatedoclet task in the main build.
<ww:checkbox name="stockMaintenanceQueryCriteria.stockAlert" id="stockMaintenanceQueryCriteria.stockAlert" value="%{stockMaintenanceQueryCriteria.stockAlert}" fieldValue="true" theme="simple"/>
create search fields screen using appgen on a dummy table and use the generated "add" functionality to capture the fields.
1. Create the database with the proper encoding.
In our experience, the best thing to do is simply choose Unicode as the database's character encoding if you think there's a chance of storing Latin1 or other characters. You could choose Latin1, and this should work in most cases. However, there are times when normal-looking characters refuse to be stored in a Latin1 database, such as character 239, which is the same in Latin1 as it is is Utf-8. Rather than attempt to beat our heads against this wall, we went with Unicode because it will hold whatever we need to hold.
for struts dropdown see
rebuild your sample-data.xml file using ant db-export and then cp db-export.xml metadata/sql/sample-data.xml.
Labels: appfuse
1. Download p6spy (google it!)
Labels: appfuse p6spy
Appfuse 1.9.4 already has dwr included: